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  • NFT: An NFT or a Non-fungible Token is a structured unit of data that represents the properties of a unique entity, or the entity itself( if it’s a digital asset and all its properties are contained by the NFT). In this document NFT will also refer to a very basic interface, implementation of which will classify a structure as an NFT.

  • NFT ID: A reference to the NFT. The address is convertible to a String for reference.

  • NFT Wallet: an array of references(NFT ID) to Account ID.

  • NFT Classification ID: an identifier of the type or denomination of the NFT.

  • interNFT: An implementation of the NFT interface. The interNFT is defined to allow for maximum application logic flexibility in one interface and is focused on inter chain ownership transfer. In this document NFT will also refer to a very basic interface, implementation of which will classify a structure as an NFT

  • classification: a representation of the type or grouping for an interNFT, e.g. an asset "Toyota Corolla" will be of classification car.

  • trait: a charectersitic/variable related to an asset defined by classification e.g. "top speed" can be a trait of classification car.

  • signature: a cryptographic signature using a private key on bytes of information. A signature can be verified against the public key of the signing private key and sign bytes.

  • fact: a peice of information. A fact can carry signatures from account(s) e.g. "100 mph (ca. 161 km/h)" is a fact and an account can attest it by signing it with their private key.

  • property: the value of a trait is property. Every property has a trait identifier and a corresponding fact fact e.g.

  • account: a singularly identifiable identity of each actor on the application. An account is generally identified by a public key.

  • maintainers: a group of one or more accounts that can issue and mutate properties of a classification of interNFT

  • interNFT wallet: a mapping of a set of interNFT IDs against a account ID. A interNFT wallet signifies the interNFTs owned by and an account.

  • height: the block height of the chain. Used as a measure of time for interNFT time bound operations.

  • lock: the height after which the an interNFT is allowed to be transferred out of an interNFT wallet.

  • burn: the height after which the an interNFT is allowed to be burned/redeemed by the owner of the interNFT.

  • interNFT ID: A reference to the interNFT specifying the hash of the NFT Immutable, the address of the originating chain, and the class of the NFT. The address is convertible to a String for reference.

  • immutables: traits of the interNFT that do not change after issuing. The hash of these properties is a part of the NFT Address( interNFT ID).

  • mutables: traits of the interNFT that can be changed through transactions defined on it.